
Contrast is a self identified Transitionist who’s utilization of digital media and amateur photography fills their work with elements and statements placed together for the purpose of engaging the experiencer in their world, however THEY decide.

“The message is in the medium and it is not one size fits all.”

- Contrast

The UK Born artist has been hiding behind the scenes, watching, and has seen the decision making process of global powers fail to match up with the will of citizens the world over. They now join the campaign for awareness fought for so long by so many.

Their work will directly fund and impact conscious social justice movements focused on creating new systems through which to process the evidence freely available to our world in a meaningful way.


The Art of Contrast

Inspired by the movement of Corrie Onyx David King (The Joy), this piece was conceptualized and brought to life in direct response to watching him move, smile, exist, be…

Using the phrase ‘You are art living and breathing flow of souls rolls through throughout inside and out placing time around blessing life itself’ hundreds of times as if to watch the phrase lose it’s impact as it leaves the soul and a thousand more chase it out to ensure the message is heard by the intended receiver, only to realize it is them.

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The mind can be a powerful thing, and the mind can be a powerful thing.

How many prisons of your own making are you voluntarily remaining incarcerated for?


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